Enter Not Into...

I have to constantly remind myself that some people are NOT worth me getting out of character for. It doesn’t matter who they are, what they are doing or what they may have said… they are not worth a reaction from me. Yes, it is easier said than to do. It takes practice, self-discipline and mental reminders not to give in to the negativity and stupidity of others. If find myself always having to correct myself or repent because of my words, thoughts or actions regarding how others make me feel. Sometimes I am so angry! I feel hatred in my heart. But, I know that isn’t right behavior. I am sure I am not alone with this struggle. All I can say is, it takes patience and effort on a daily basis to overcome and enter into a place of peace where you no longer react in a destructive manner, even though it may seem justified at the time. We have to remember that EVERYONE will be held accountable for their words, thoughts and actions ALONE. Therefore, stay in prayer and govern thyself accordingly.


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