
They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
but when I look into the mirror, that is not what I see.

The reflection resembles scars of sorrow and pain,
a fragile heart being broken repeatedly,
a lonely soul seeking refuge, but
never finding it.

Being isolated in this cruel world,
trying to distinguish between what is
right or wrong, acceptable and disgraced,
and what road to travel this tiresome journey on.

Oblivious to what others find comforting,
in this ungodly world of sinners,
as our being perishes into nonexistent dust.

Somehow the grass outside is blanketed by the
morning dew, I'm confused as to why the
the world continues it's rotation on a broken axle.

Never knowing the trip is about to abruptly end,
and left at a stand still like broken glass, or
misplaced puzzle pieces with no where to belong.

Restless souls roaming the polluted air,
seeking a resting place for their iniquities,
afraid to let go and let God
challenge their battles for them.

Yearning to be triumphant,
yet lacking knowledge, are we united as one,
spread out like a wonderful feast
at the table of unrighteousness.

When will the hopeless turn away from their wicked ways
and walk into the blessed land,
that was set aside for the peacemakers
to be free at last from the shackles of bondage.

Unwelcomed thoughts of love and prosperity
being lead astray by the mirage of failure
and deceit,
Why are we such fools to the enemy's trickery?

Happiness ever seeking a place to dwell in,
often miscalculated and misunderstood,
pushed away with our stony hearts,
to be misplaced like lost, loose change.


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