Love's Parade

I can hear your heart talking to me,
but still I wonder.

If I am worthy of your embrace,
for your love I cannot replace.

I remember when we connected,
our songs united at one moment,
in unison with the whispers of the world.

I found you,
your soul found mine
and we became one.

Or have I only imagined that?
My mind is clear,
my heart is not confused.

I love you.

You loved me from an unknown place
and I constantly search to be united.
Will you welcome me in?

Don't push me away, I can't bear it.

For so long I've waited to be yours,
was I so transparent in my plight?
Because I plan to win the uphill fight.

Our love welcomes the night
and celebrates in the dawn,
day by day.

We have reached our mountain together,
our love rains down into the valley,
the fog has cleared, the pathway is near,
now that we let loves parade in.


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