What Do You Believe?

In 2019, I took a psychology class. It was a very interesting and complex subject. However, as the class went along, I began to grasp certain things about human life, thoughts and reality. One of the assignments was to select a topic to develop an argument. I wrote an essay regarding Rene Descartes' philosophical views about innate ideas and the knowledge through God. I received an "A" on the essay below: For this assignment, I will discuss my belief that Descartes’ Cogito arguments concerning God, human existence and knowledge itself is somewhat of a successful argument. I will begin by constructing the argument, followed by discussion of its significance. Next, I will discuss reasons the argument is successful. I will then consider possible objections to my beliefs and how I would respond to them. Lastly, I will summarize the contents of this paper, showing what has been accomplished by my analysis. Descartes wanted to find a philosophical determination for the evid...