
Recently I made the statement “black people are the only race that doesn’t unite.” I know a few people disagreed with me. For the ones who disagree, let me elaborate. I still stand by what I said. However, when I made that statement, what I was referring to was when things are NEGATIVE or BAD. The only time we are known to unite is when we feel we’ve been wronged or some sort of injustice has been imposed. Just as so many of us only pray to God when things are bad and forget about Him when things are good. For example, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, we protested together (but also tore up our own communities). Why does something horrific have to happen for us to unite? How come we don’t unite when things are going well? You may say we do. But, how often? Do we publicize it? Do we talk about it? Do we share it? I reflected on some of the other cultures, such as Caucasians, Asians and Hispanics. Can we, as black people, honestly say we are as united as some of the other cultures and/o...